What is a game engine? (The Best Game Engines)

We have prepared a guide for those who do not know the concept of game engines.
What is Game Engine?
What is a game engine? We have prepared a list of the best game engines.

When we want to develop a game, we first need to choose a game engine. So what is a game engine? Is it possible to develop games without using a game engine? We will answer these questions step by step.

What is a Game Engine?

A game engine is a general name given to powerful software that includes the tools used in the production process of a game. Game engines generally consist of the libraries they contain. These libraries have programming languages, predefined functions, classes, and mechanics.

Depending on the developers’ goals, their intended use and prominent features vary. It is possible to categorize game engines according to the software language used, the success, and the price in 2D or 3D games.

game engine
It is more advantageous to use an existing engine instead of developing a game engine.

Advantages of Using a Game Engine

We have said that game engines include the tools needed during game development. It is also possible to define this software as a platform consisting of more than one tool.

Let’s start with a different question to explain how game engines work: Is it possible to develop games without using a game engine? Yes, it is possible to develop games without using a game engine. On the other hand, it will be a much longer and more laborious task.

If we compare game making to a building or construction, game engines are like a construction site ready to be worked on. Your bricks, cement, and all the necessary materials for building construction are together. It is also possible to quickly access material that you do not have at the moment. On the other hand, not using a game engine means producing both the brick and the cement for this construction yourself. It may become impossible for a single developer to develop a game in such a case. Because producing each of these vehicles requires different expertise.

Game engines significantly speed up the game development process with pre-made tools. The person who wants to develop a game gets rid of the hassle of re-coding everything thanks to the libraries defined in the game engine. In this way, less code is written, complexity is avoided, and time is saved.

Game engines also offer some conveniences other than programming. Workspace, game scenes, object management panel are some of the main features that a game engine provides.

Game Engine Components

When we separate the game engines into their components, we need to talk about two categories in general: Physics engine and graphics engine. If we consider that the games are basically composed of game mechanics and game graphics, these two components are indispensable.

What is Physics Engine?

What is a physics engine?
Physics engine provides realistic mechanics in games

A physics engine is a tool that is included in most game engines and ensures that the physical events in the game take place in the closest way to reality. Thanks to the physics engine, realistic mechanics can be defined for all the objects in the game.

For example, the acceleration of the vehicle in a car game, the movements that enable it to turn left and right are made through the physics engine of the game engine. Just as a vehicle accelerates over time in real life, thanks to the physics engine, the vehicle in the game does not reach the final speed when you press the button and starts to accelerate over time.

What is a Graphics Engine?

A graphics engine is a tool found in many game engines that enable rendering in-game graphics. Graphics engines don’t always need to render the most realistic image. The graphics are designed in accordance with the nature and atmosphere of the game. Graphic engines are used to create these images in the game. The quality of a graphics engine is one of the most important factors that directly affect the creation of the game atmosphere.

Graphics engines enable the rendering of in-game graphics.

How to make a game engine?

Game engine construction is a comprehensive, costly process requiring high engineering skills. Before starting game engine construction, platform targets should be decided. Will 2D or 3D games be developed with this engine? Which platform will the games be made suitable for? Such questions should be decided. In addition, will the game engine you build support general game production, or will it be for developing a single game? All questions must be answered.

In the game engine, you want to build, you must present a library of all the mechanics and functions that the user will include in his game. It should be ensured that the game to be developed is well optimized with the platform. It should also provide comfort to the user in terms of interface.

After deciding on the main basic features, experts in the programming language to be used can come together and start making the game engine. All functions to be included in the engine are prepared as libraries and built the engine on the graphics API to be used. Graphics APIs enable the game to run on the platform it is on, such as DirectX and Vulkan.

2D and 3D Game Engines

2D and 3D games can be made in almost any game engine that is popular today. Of course, there are also game engines with features that stand out according to the goals of the developers. Unity and Unreal Engine game engines are used in most of the game world today. On the other hand, there are many alternative game engines such as Godot.

The list of game engines is quite a long list. Those who want to develop 2D or 3D games need to choose the right game engine in line with their goals. The only criterion here is not whether the game is 2D or 3D. Today, we can say that many game engines are successful for both game types. For this reason, when choosing a game engine, many criteria such as price, support options, the width of the tool library, platform compatibility, and acceptance in the market should be considered.

Top Game Engines

game engines
There are many game engines, either paid or free.

There are many game engines in the market today.

  • Unity Game Engine
  • Unreal Engine Game Engine
  • Game Maker Game Engine
  • Godot Game Engine
  • CryEngine Game Engine

While many of these game engines use programming languages but there are game engines that do not require programming knowledge.

Game engines can be free or paid. While many game engines have a free version, they can charge for more features. You can start making the games of your dreams by choosing the most suitable one for you.


It is very difficult to determine a valid “best” for everyone when it comes to game engines. It should not be forgotten that game engines are software that helps game development. At this point, many criteria need to be considered in order to determine the most suitable game engine.

On the other hand, we recommend that anyone who develops games use a game engine. Especially if you are a beginner developer, you may find it very difficult to make a game without game engines. You’re probably already using a game engine if you’re an expert developer.

We also strongly recommend that developers who want to use a game engine learn programming languages for their purpose, especially C++. Although there are platforms where you can make games without programming knowledge, programming knowledge is essential for original games and applications.

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